Metrology in the light of new definitions of SI units
Metrology, SI units, Fundamental constantsAbstract
The science of measurement, which we call metrology, is used to guarantee the accuracy and consistency of measurement systems, in other words, to ensure traceability. Quantum physics, the science of atoms and fundamental particles discovered in the first half of the 20th century, enables surprising developments in the world of metrology. In this article, the importance of metrology is emphasized and the developments are presented in order to pave the way for newly developing technologies in science (such as quantum) and to ensure that they take the right path. The revision of SI units in the field of metrology in the light of developing science was detailed and compared. It was examined why the redefined SI units were defined with universal constants rather than physical objects. The studies of national metrology institutes, centers and laboratories, which lead metrology studies and are in charge in each country, were compiled. The effects of metrology were examined, especially in sensors and optical systems that incorporate rapidly developing quantum-based technologies.
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