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Investigation of Secondary School Students' Scientific Curiosity Levels Affected by Various Variables




Science, Scientific curiosity, Middle school students


The aim of this study is to determine whether the scientific curiosity levels of middle school students are affected by the variables of gender, grade level, parental education level, liking or disliking science course, achievement grade in science course and duration of studying science course. The sample of the study, which was conducted with the correlational research method, consisted of a total of 200 middle school students studying in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Data were collected using the Scientific Curiosity Scale and analyzed with different statistical techniques such as independent t-test, ANOVA, Tukey post-hoc test. Results show that the scientific curiosity levels of middle school students change as the grade level changes, with the highest level of scientific curiosity in the 7th grade and the lowest level in the 8th grade. When the change in the level of scientific curiosity according to different variables was analyzed, no significant relationship was found between scientific curiosity and gender and parental education level. A significant relationship was found between scientific curiosity and liking or disliking science course, achievement grade in science course and duration of studying science course.


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How to Cite

CINDIL KOPAN, T., & Özmen, H. (2025). Investigation of Secondary School Students’ Scientific Curiosity Levels Affected by Various Variables. Optimum Science Journal.


