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A review on Electrical Conductivity of Cu–graphene Nanocomposites in terms of Production Methods and Reinforcement Ratios




Copper, GNPs, Metal Matrix Nanocomposites, Conductivity


Graphene is excellent material and is highly potent in terms of mechanical, electrical, optical, and thermal properties. Owing to these features, this material is used as a nanofiller for metal-based composites. Although many studies have focused on different attributes of graphene, the most remarkable is its electrical conductivity. In addition, copper, which exhibits one of the highest electrical conductivities among metal materials, is used in many different fields, especially in the electrical-electronics industry. Therefore, studies on the changes in the electrical properties of composites obtained using these two materials have expanded in recent years. In this study, the electrical properties of copper-graphene based nanocomposites produced using powder metallurgy are investigated. The changes in the electrical conductivity of the composites compared to the pure specimen are discussed in terms of graphene reinforcement and processing methods. The production methods and mixing techniques that achieve the most suitable electrical conductivity values have been comparatively evaluated. The graphene amount was considered in terms of production cost.


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How to Cite

Mutlu, A., Akkan, L. Özlem, & Çavdar, U. (2025). A review on Electrical Conductivity of Cu–graphene Nanocomposites in terms of Production Methods and Reinforcement Ratios. Optimum Science Journal.


